Eufònic / SCAM: Pierre Schaeffer Grant
Eufònic and Scam, the Civil Society of Multimedia Authors of France, which brings together more than 49,000 authors, joins forces to relaunch the Pierre Schaeffer Grant, French broadcaster and musicologist and pioneer of contemporary and experimental electronics. The grant offers financial assistance to carry out a digital creation project in connection with a research organisation (higher education, museum, laboratory, company, foundation, association, etc.). The author must be external to the structure. Arts, science and technology must be at the heart of the creation and research project, involving the use of emerging technologies. The research organisation supports the author in his or her approach by providing him or her with technical and/or financial resources and/or the skills of a group of people (students, employees) and/or premises. This open call will open in early October and the selected project will be part of the Eufònic 2022 program. More information here (in French) or you can check the regulations here (PDF in English).