Visual artist Anna Moreno presents an experimental documentary about the possible futures of the Delta in the natural space of Riet Vell (Amposta). Solastalgia—nostalgia for the future, or even for a present that is rapidly fading—is an endemic concept of the Mediterranean, with economies highly dependent on tourism and where ecological threats such as rising sea levels are intensified. Along these threatened coasts, both concepts of speculation collide: cultural and financial. “Marfantes” proposes the projection of a short documentary where people connected to the territory of the Ebro Delta share their ideas about the future of the deltaic ecosystem, touching on concepts like prediction, anticipation, and adaptation. But it will not be a usual projection; instead, we will place ourselves in the near future, viewing the documentary’s content as a record after the fact, when whatever has to happen (whatever it may be) has already happened.

The unfinished nature of events (both historical and future) is the focus of Anna Moreno’s artistic practice. In her research, between Barcelona and The Hague, she mixes concepts from finance, utopian architecture, and speculative literature, and it takes the form of installations, films, or events. She has been a resident at Jan Van Eyck Academie in Maastricht (Netherlands), SASG (Seoul), HIAP (Helsinki), Salzamt (Linz, AT), and Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto (Biella, IT). She has exhibited at MOCAB (Belgrade), SAS Geumcheon (Seoul), Fundació Joan Miró (Barcelona), and 1646 (The Hague) and has lectured at MOMA San Francisco, the University of Barcelona, and the University of Applied Arts Vienna. She is also the co-founder of the artist space Helicopter in The Hague, where she has been a professor of Artistic Research at the Royal Academy of Art and has designed workshops and seminars internationally. She is currently a professor at BAU (Barcelona).

Supported by Mondriaan Fonds and