Can Artificial Intelligence Imagine Things That Humans Can’t? Do Humans Share the Same Imagination as AI? With this experience in the virtual room of Eufònic, Gerard Valls Montaño aims to shape the way artificial intelligence models concepts that humans see or imagine, creating an environment that allows exploration and comparison with the imagination of each individual visitor as well as the collective imagination. This generates a space for contemplation and reflection, while also opening up debate and evoking the generation of new questions.

Gerard Valls Montaño is a designer and experimental audiovisual artist who creates hybrid experiences that combine the digital and physical worlds. Using science and technology along with materials, light, sound, and visuals, he explores the blurred boundaries between these two worlds. The environments he proposes offer atmospheres intended to generate reflection and debate on the concepts he addresses in an interactive and immersive way. These environments are usually spaces or elements that transform over time and through human interaction, thus offering a new and unique experience for each moment and person who visits them.