More than a singer, it would be more appropriate to say that Zaragoza-native Gustavo Giménez is a vocal performer, a sound poet. He is the author of “ORA” and “El camino del Lobo y la rata” (with Marwan Nasser), considered by the magazine Mondo Sonoro among the best albums made in Aragón in 2017 and 2020, respectively. Accustomed to collaborating with dancers and poets, Gustavo Giménez’s proposal is a vocal psychedelia of primitive darkness and unsettling beauty, inviting us to revisit and rethink oral tradition. Winner of the Etiopía-Aragón 2019 award in the category of Risky and Experimental Music, this explorer of harmonies and the possibilities of his rib cage, lungs, and vocal cords has been directing the Experimental Choir for Bold Spirits for several years at the community culture space Harinera ZGZ.