After nearly 20 years composing and forming part of groups such as La Habitación Roja or Capricornio Uno, and accompanying live Soledad Vélez and Chucho, the Valencian Jordi Sapena enters ambient terrain connecting music and botany. Last summer he released ‘Salve Monstera’ (Mont Vejoux, 2022), an instrumental album of eight pieces composed with pianos, synthesizers and everyday sounds of home (that small ecosystem that the pandemic made us rediscover) and designed to save the lives of dying plants. We will see how the natural environment of the Bosc de Ribera welcomes a music of healing vocation, recorded with the help of artists such as Alberto Lucendo (Sacromonte), Sais (Jupiter Lion, W.W.A.T.), Joaquín and Ángela Pascual (Surfin’ Bichos, Mercromina) or Ángel Valiente (Karen Koltrane), and legendary analog indie producer Paco Loco.