Barcelona-based Los Yolos are at the same time the free electron of Spanish pop and its most unexpected punk band. Their songs transport us to a sensual and raw world, free from moral restraints, yet full of wild and vital humor. Los Yolos capture the heritage of the most select of the new wave and blend it into a whirlwind of delirium and passion. There is not a hint of cynicism or ironic distance in their songs; everything is natural, instinctive, like life itself. If “Rock Ciudad” (2021) welcomed us into their highly personal universe with a dark sound, updating the ubiquitous 80s heritage, “Nos siguen por delante” (2023) attests to an expansive moment, of creative ambition and confirmation of their talent.

Photo by Alejandra Núñez

In collaboration with

Logo Jornades Musicals Ermita de la Pietat