As part of the Eufònic Terra programming, the singer from Prats de Lluçanès will present her first full-length album, “Cançons de rebost” (Hidden Track Records, 2024), in Campredó. After nearly a year touring with the EP “Trepa” – performing at Cantilafont, Aphònica, Fira Mediterrània de Manresa, Sala Apolo, and also opening for Mishima – she returns with a beautiful work featuring essential ingredients (voice and guitar) and sensorial lyrics. Her music is meant to lower heart rates, to take a breath and savor the pause and silence, crafted by a versatile and compelling artist who has found her own voice while keeping in mind influences such as Maria del Mar Bonet, Maria Arnal, Sandra Monfort, or Magalí Datzira (also in Eufònic Terra). She speaks of everyday sensations in an attempt to extract lessons, of those small things that can become the most transcendental if we know how to extract their very essence.

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