At Eufònic 2024, we will host a creative residency for this duo, who began working together in 2009. María Castellanos is an artist and holds a Ph.D. in Fine Arts from the University of Vigo. Between 2021 and 2023, she conducted postdoctoral research at Oslo Metropolitan University as part of the FeLT project – Futures of Living Technologies. Alberto Valverde is an artist and technologist with extensive experience in designing systems, creating interactive environments, multimedia, and robotics. Their joint artistic practice focuses on the relationships between humans, non-humans, and machines. In recent years, they have concentrated their research on studying human sensory limits and creating complex interspecies communication systems to facilitate understanding between humans and plants. Their work has been exhibited in art centers and festivals such as Ars Electronica Festival (Austria), LABoral Centro de Arte (Spain), Athens Digital Arts Festival (Greece), House of Electronic Arts Basel (Switzerland), La Gâite Lyrique Museum (France), DRIVE Volkswagen (Germany), or Matadero Madrid (Spain), among many others.

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