The work of artists Marie France Veyrat and Jaime de los Ríos explores the infinity of a lived moment. The experience and poetics of an instant merge into an intense universe that the artists describe through an organization of algorithmic elements to capture the impossible beyond memory. This installation arises from the encounter between two natures that, at the same time, symbolize for Veyrat and de los Ríos’ poetic work the times of the instant and memory. Both artists have extensive experience in their analog and digital work, having intervened and activated installations as well as large digital screens and facades. Therefore, for this evocative occasion, they propose an ad hoc work that makes inspiration and shared personal experiences a great monumental work.

Opening: Thursday 4 July 19:00

Opening hours from 4 to 14 July
From 9:30 to 14:00 and from 16:30 to 18:30
Sundays from 10:00 to 13:30
Mondays closed

In collaboration with

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