At Eufònic we love to generate unique proposals closely linked to the territory. Sculptors Montserrat Cuesta and Sergi Ramírez from the Arenas Posibles collective, specializing in sand sculpture, will carry out an intervention with salt at the Antigues Salines (salt pans) of La Tancada, at MónNatura Delta, a space of the Fundació Catalunya La Pedrera. “Geometrías de sal: rastros de una economía en movimiento” (Salt Geometries: Traces of an Economy in Motion) will use salt from the salt flats of La Ràpita as a temporary archive to reflect on the transition between land and lagoon, the contrast between permanence and temporality, and the way in which transhumance has been diluted in the intangible memory of the territory. An action that recovers the legacy of an essential space for the salt trade and transhumance, resignifying its history in a contemporary key. With several international awards behind them, Arenas Posibles has worked for major brands and festivals in countries such as Indonesia, China, Mexico, Colombia, Italy, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Portugal, England, the Netherlands, or Switzerland.

With the collaboration of