Metaphysical pop, poetic lyrics, and electronic/urban sounds with a Mediterranean touch: the music of MTINES moves in a triangle between James Blake, Ferran Palau and Cupido. “Els dies iguals” (2023) is his second album, produced by Emili Bosch (b1no) and with outstanding collaborations within the Catalan scene such as those of David Carabén (Mishima), Anna Andreu, UMA or Yaunest. Taking a little from here and there, from international artists such as Tyler The Creator or Four Tet and from Catalan groups that know how to convey their stories well such as Manel or Cala Vento, has given shape to a proposal apparently simple and calm but with many layers to scratch, that tells us of the longing of childhood, where every day was “equal” and we did not have to make decisions. The album is accompanied by four video clips that make up a short film directed by Laura Sisteró, featuring Greta Fernández and MTINES himself.

Pic by Lluís Tudela