At Eufònic we have always opted for new local talent. And we will continue to do so. In the new space of the festival in the “celòquia” of the Castle of Amposta, we will attend the presentation of Neo Blad3, an artist of Barcelona but based in La Ràpita. His proposal is pretty ambitious: to raise without complexes the flag of an alternative and utopian sound within the urban music scene. And he does so from the firm conviction that music configures our way of reasoning and managing ourselves through life and, therefore, is perfectly capable of changing the world.

This proposal has been programmed by Òscar Lleixà and Jordi Brull, who participate in the Stalkers project (device for young curators of live arts). After visiting five live arts festivals throughout 2022 they have learned, shared and reflected on the cultural programming of the territory until they proposed Neo Blad3 for Eufònic. They have chosen Neo Blad3 because they have thought that “it is a good small local artist that can deliver a good show and that fits in Eufònic for the innovative character of the festival, always offering a good level of well curated productions. Eufònic already has a path promoting new careers and supporting young artists from the Terres de l’Ebre providing them a space to sing and become known. We must boost local young talent!”.