Novi_sad is the alias of Thanasis Kaproulias (born in 1980). He lives and works in Ancient Olympia, Greece. He began generating sounds in 2005: amplified environmental recordings, drone manipulations, structured ambient soundscapes, microtones vs. overtones, all merging into a hyperstructure of iconoclastic form. Novi_sad’s artistic production shows a high level of technical skill, as well as a sensitivity to location nuances. Every sound produced is treated with sculptural integrity, and its sonic power operates at a level where the audience participates as transcendental listeners. His approach is similar to ‘cinema pour l’oreille’ (cinema for the ear) and, in turn, he aims to ‘donner à voir’ (make see) through sound. Being immersed in his sound environment offers both a visceral and cerebral experience. Kaproulias regularly collaborates with Japanese visual artist Ryoichi Kurokawa and has also worked with artists and filmmakers such as Lars Von Trier, Isaac Niemand, Yorgos Zois, and Karl Lemieux. It is truly a privilege to see him in action at the Casal of Amposta.