An AV show by two leading figures in ‘live coding’ in our country. The work of industrial designer and transdisciplinary artist Turbulente offers a critical perspective on body fragmentation, technologies, performance, and identity construction processes. She crafts her own electronic devices to interact with the moving body. She has performed at international festivals such as Algopolis in Ljudmjla (2022), at the Cosmocaixa dome (2022), Influx (2023), Digital Impact (2023), Konvent PuntZero Berga (2022), Biennal de la Ciutat i la Ciència Barcelona (2021, 2022), and Loop (2021), among others. On the other hand, Eloi el Bon Noi is a ‘live coder’ and hieroglyph creator who creates and executes his work with a simple computer. He has performed at festivals such as LEM (2022), Mutek (2022), VIU (2021, 2023), Dimecres de So i Cos (2023), Generador (2023), or Influx (2023). In 2023, he presented the work “Eloi el Bon Noi i les Màquines de terrabastall” at the ICLC, the international live coding conference held in Utrecht. He also forms a spoken word and live coding performance duo with essayist and thinker Eloy Fernández Porta, with whom they have performed at literature and contemporary art festivals.

In collaboration with