We celebrate our 10th edition with more than 50 activities!
The tenth anniversary of Eufònic takes an unprecedented form: with all the possible limitations and restrictions up to today, we have scheduled more than fifty activities spread over nearly thirty spaces in nine towns in Terres de l’Ebre.
From 20 to 29 August, two weekends that are created alongside two territorial dynamics and logics.
The first weekend, from 20 to 22 August, four counties of Terres de l’Ebre are traced, seven towns in three days:
Friday 20 August: Baix Ebre (Tortosa) and Montsià (Amposta and Ulldecona)
Saturday 21 August: Terra Alta (Batea and Corbera d’Ebre)
Sunday 22 August: Ribera d’Ebre (Miravet) and Baix Maestrat (Vinaròs)
The second weekend, from 26 to 29 August, Sant Carles de la Ràpita, Amposta and Tortosa are protagonists, starting in Roquetes and ending in Ulldecona.
With more than 50 activities and the Eufònic Pro program in Tortosa, a series of musical performances, artistic installations, performances and actions, workshops and various proposals that contaminate the territory of artistic expressions. A celebration of diversity, artistic sustainability and creativity:
– international names in electronics such as Space Afrika presenting a new album or Penelope Trappes, two absolute premieres in Spain; or the pioneer Fennesz in the impressive Church of Corbera d’Ebre, destroyed in the Civil War
– the superlative pop of Joan Miquel Oliver or dani; Marina Herlop‘s psychedelia with Tarta Relena; the presentation of Violeta Tello Grau; or new visions of pop with UNO or Ro-e
– the neo-makina of VVV [Trippin’you], rabid electro-punk woven of machine sounds and frantic lyrics; and the intensity of Perpetu, Godspeed You! Black Emperor grandchildren
– the gothic queer of AL-V or the LGTBIQ + energy of Las Bajas Pasiones, closing the festival at the Ermita d’Ulldecona
– audiovisual shows with Playmodes + Quartet Brossa or the microscopic research of Arquea Colectivo
– multidisciplinary pieces such as that of the dancers Raquel Klein and Raquel Gualtero with Za!, who appear in a double game with the Banda La Lira Roquetense; the premiere of the collaboration between the pianist Carles Viarnès and the dancer Glòria Ros among the ruins of a convent in Vinaròs, or the magical “Act of Faith” in aRenaissance gorgeous palace of Tortosa
– poetic landscapes by Joana Gomila, Ginebra Raventós + Isa · bel or Gerard Altaió; or the very delicate reinterpretations of Bach by Tomomi Kubo with an Ondes Martenot, a fascinating monophonic electronic instrument invented in 1928, at Miravet Castle
– instal·lacions artístiques com les de Tomonaga Tokuyama o Laura Llaneli i Óscar de la Fuente en els espais museístics de Lo Pati i el Museu de Tortosa; o les presentades en espais no normatius com Arnau Sala Saez ocupant una capella de Batea o les de Martín Kaulen, Julio César Palacio, Yolanda Uriz Elizalde i Miquel García en locals en desús de La Ràpita
– l'”ocupació” de Martina Ampuero del nostre espai virtual, Sala Sintètica
– artistes ebrencs com Jordi Pallarés amb l’artista polonesa Hannah “Mofuta” Berestizhevsky, Genís Bagés o Evolve (Aleix Gimeno i Pedro Navarro)
– un best of de les residències artístiques 2012-2020 amb Lo Pati, amb Joan Bagés + Vanguard DUO, Elsa Paricio i Atilio Doreste en un recorregut als Ullals de Baltasar, retornant al paisatge allò que van crear des d’ell mateix, a la residència de Balada, enmig del Delta
– la nova fornada de hip hop local amb el joveníssim AKA Pedro, de només 17 anys, i els ulldeconecs YoungBoby i vierr
– artistic installations such as those by Tomonaga Tokuyama or Laura Llaneli and Óscar de la Fuente in the museum spaces of Lo Pati and the Museum of Tortosa; or those presented in non-normative spaces such as Arnau Sala Saez occupying a chapel in Batea or those of Martín Kaulen, Julio César Palacio, Yolanda Uriz Elizalde and Miquel García in disused premises in La Ràpita
– the “occupation” of Martina Ampuero of our virtual space, Sala Sintética
– Ebre artists such as Jordi Pallarés with the Polish artist Hannah “Mofuta” Berestizhevsky, Genís Bagés or Evolve (Aleix Gimeno and Pedro Navarro)
– a “best of” the artistic residences 2012-2020 with Lo Pati, with Joan Bagés + Vanguard DUO, Elsa Paricio and Atilio Doreste on a tour at the Ullals de Balthasar, returning to the landscape what they created from itself, in the residence of Balada, in the middle of the Delta
– the new batch of local hip hop with the very young AKA Pedro, only 17 years old, and YoungBoby and Vierr
Tickets, whether paid or free with prior reservation, will go on sale on July 20th.
At Eufònic we defend small format festivals as proposals that can be held in the context in which we find nowadays. Due to the possible health limitations that are being advanced these days, Eufònic is adapting in capacity and schedules, with performances and actions in small spaces, a new use of outdoor spaces and art facilities that can be visited safely. See you in late summer!