Eufònic / Lo Pati 2023 creative residences open call
Eufònic festival and Lo Pati art center, two of the creative poles around contemporary art in the south of Catalonia, have been collaborating for more than 10 years, promoting projects born from collaboration, both in the exhibition field (with artists such as Varvara & Mar, Anthony McCall & Mark Fell, Tomonaga Tokuyama, Lolo & Sosaku or Ryoko Akama, among many others) as well as in the performative field, connecting creativity with our very particular landscape and the Delta environment.
Over the years, this open call has hosted more than 25 artistic projects created in Terres de l’Ebre and some of them have been presented in Santa Mònica Barcelona art center. This call, intended to host sound art, experimental music and video, visual and digital-performative arts projects created from the Balada artists’ residence, in the middle of Delta de l’Ebre, is once again addressed to creators living in Spain.
The results will be shown during the days of the festival, which will be held from August 24 to 27, 2023 in La Ràpita, Amposta and other towns and natural spaces in Terres de l’Ebre.
Applications can be sent up to March 19th, 2023!
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