Coming from La Garriga (Barcelona), balago is a perfect example of what music should be like in the XXI century; a constant evolution in sound and opening new musical paths through experimentation. Five years after “Darder” and seventeen since his debut, balago starts from scratch again. More alone and isolated from his music surroundings than ever, although this must be seen as something positive and inspiring, David Crespo, with the invaluable help of his inseparable companion Guim Serradesanferm, offers us in “El demà” a complete rethinking of his ideas, culminating in his most imaginative, lucid and dazzling recording yet. Leaving false steps behind, accurate as a sniper, moving to the point of tears, the album features all the most recognizable elements in balago’s universe –an ambient starting point, the combination of electronic programming and an analogue obsession, flashes of ravishing melancholy, a strong influence of science-fiction, religion and philosophy…-, from a serious, deep and specially inspired point of view, as if Crespo had found that creative excitement which is essential to redefine the course of his band.


With the support of Agència Catalana del Patrimoni Cultural