Three multidisciplinary artists from different generations (among the three of them they play medieval instruments, they sing, they take out a tambourine or play Max / MSP buttons) and an algorithm in a five-band co-production between Eufònic, Fira Tàrrega and Fira Mediterrània de Manresa with the support of Convent de les Arts d’Alcover and Konvent.0 from Berga. “Acte de fe” is a rereading of traditional religious songs passed through the sieve of the 21st century, where an artificial intelligence has been trained with liturgical scores from various eras and interacts with the rest of the musicians generating melodies from what happens on the scene. A rereading that arises from the idea that culture is not in a showcase, intact and immaculate, but that it evolves with the movements of the world that surrounds us. Contemporary liturgy in one of the most beautiful Renaissance palaces in Tortosa, Reials Col·legis, to try to understand how we relate to technology and media icons.

A coproduction between: Fira Tàrrega – Suport a la Creació, Fira Mediterrània de Manresa, Eufònic, Konvent.0 and Convent de les Arts.

With the suport of: