In other cultures, singing is a popular and communal fact; in ours, you only feel able to sing if you’re doing it well. Around this concept revolves an installation in which several transducers arranged inside the Museum will amplify the voices of people from the area by tuning (or trying to) at the same frequency. A vocal composition that is formalized through plastic resources, beating in the room, conceived by the artist Laura Llaneli (whose work we have recently seen in Tecla Sala art centre in L’Hospitalet de Llobregat), together with the sound artist and musicologist Óscar de la Fuente (former member of Obsidian Kingdom alternative rock group). Both of them have been to Eufònic several times (a well-remembered sound walk in the Torre de Sant Joan, a workshop for kids, an art installation with stones…), but now they are back in a bigger mood: Museu de Tortosa hosts the work created for the occasion by two of the most interesting sound and plastic artists of the moment.

Una coproducció amb

dm – ds 10:00 – 13:30 / 17:00 – 19:00
dg i festius 11:00 – 13:30