We know Lina for her many facets (sound artist, composer and researcher, coordinator at Mediaestruch, member of Sons de Barcelona and Toplap, teacher at the UOC or Sound Art Master at the UB …), and now she presents herself with an installation project, “Kilobots”, emerged from the work developed with code technology as part of the Grant in the Interaction Lab of Hangar Center de Producció i Recerca d’Arts Visuals.

Investigating the behavior of algorithms as species collectives and the phenomenon of the flock, “Kilobots” is formalized as a swarm composed of small robots with Arduino that, in the same way as in nature, make simple decisions and are capable of producing complex results. Like a school of fish, a flock of birds, or a swarm of insects: why don’t they collide with each other? How do you know where to go? Who is in charge?

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Opening: February 4
Open till February 28