Eufònic STNBL 2023 open call

Facing creative sustainability! Since 2012, more than 500 artists have come to Terras de l’Ebre over the 12 editions of the festival, where they have seen site-specific projects, creations in residence, small-format shows, musical performances, sound actions and installations in new locations. With this multidisciplinary work behind it, Eufònic launches an open call aimed at…

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Eufònic / Lo Pati 2024 creative residences open call

Eufònic and Lo Pati Centre d’Art Terres de l’Ebre, two creativity poles around contemporany art in the south of Catalonia, have been collaborating and working together for a long time, promoting projects in complicity, linking creativity in the landscape and the environment with an initiative that has hosted  more than 30 artistic projects over the…

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Eufònic 2024, save the date!

Save the date! After 12 editions, Eufònic will stop being held at the end of August and will open the summer in the first half of July 2024. We were really looking forward to it, for a long time! As always, a first weekend with the Pòrtic Eufonic, from July 5 to 7, with previous…

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Eufònic Pro 2023 videos, now available on our YouTube channel!!

Over two mornings and two afternoons, curated by Marta Oliveres and Antònia Folguera, Eufònic Pro 2023, the Escola per l’Art i la Cultura de la Diputació de Tarragona in Tortosa a series of talks, panels and professional activities such as the opening talk by Tere Badia several panel discussion with Amaranta Gibert, Andrea Lissoni, Annette Wolfsberger, Joan Llort, Josep Cerdà, Margarida Troguet,…

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“Seeing Voices”, a project by Grec Festival and Eufònic

In view of the Spanish presidency of the EU, GREC (Barcelona) and Eufònic (Terres de l’Ebre) festival have curated and produced Veo una voz: escénicos en Europa (Seeing voices: Spanish performing arts on the European stage), a collection of audiovisual pills featuring a selection of artists who have been part of the Grec’s programme in recent editions. From object theatre to…

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Eufònic 12th edition is over!

It was our most complex edition and we have saved it thanks to the unstoppable desire we share with you to enjoy and experience art and territory. And we do it with a great success, adapting and reinventing ourselves with joy. Our way, no matter what. The 12th edition of Eufònic has had practically the…

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Instal·lacions artístiques a Eufònic 2023

Llum, intel·ligència artificial, escaneig en 3D, escolta profunda d’enregistraments sonors, cromatografia… Aquestes són algunes de les tècniques a partir de les quals les instal·lacions artístiques programades enguany ens proposen noves i suggerents maneres de percebre, entendre i relacionar-nos amb el nostre entorn natural, amb el metavers i fins i tot amb el trànsit aeri.  …

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Let's open the gates of Eufònic 2023!

The time has come. Our 12th edition will run this Friday 18 with the Pòrtic Eufònic: three days of free musical and artistic activities in unique spaces of Ulldecona, Tortosa, Campredó and Miravet, as a preamble to the festival, which will be held from 24 to 27 August also in other towns of the Terres de l’Ebre as Amposta and Roquetes. Below we detail…

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Yes, here comes Eufònic 2023!

After a complex process, we have relocated some of the artists already announced and we can present the program of our 12th edition, focused on the arts in landscape, digital practices, electronic music and the contemporary review of traditions. From 24 to 27 August, 32 artists and most free activities spread over 6 towns in…

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Why we are forced to leave our hometown La Ràpita

It is a news that we wish we never had to give you: Eufònic has to leave La Ràpita. With all the logistics and contracting underway to hold the festival, the tickets on sale and the program with nearly 60 artists already closed, we are forced to restructure this year’s edition. The new consistory of…

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