CONFLUENCE 2025 1a convocatòria de residències artístiques entre Eufònic, Avatar i Mois Multi en el marc de les arts digitals i visuals

New open call, CONFLUENCE 2025!

1st open call for Catalonia-Quebec artistic residencies between Eufònic, Avatar and Mois Multi

With the purpose of allowing the confrontation of different artistic points of view in relation to the digital and visual arts, favoring the establishment of lasting links between Quebec artists and cultural agents and Catalan artists and cultural agents, and thus contribute to the development of artistic approaches of the creators, Eufònic, the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, Avatar and Mois Multi are launching the CONFLUENCE 2025-2027 call for artistic residencies for international and bilateral research and creation projects dedicated to the digital, visual and sound,

All the project partners aim to promote cultural exchange, facilitating dialogue and the exchange of artistic perspectives, creating long-term links and collaborations between agents of the two regions, as well as increasing the international visibility of the and the selected artists, enhancing their career in both local and international contexts. This creative bridge between Quebec and Catalonia will allow three Quebec artists to hold an eight-week artistic residency in Catalonia (Spain), participate in the L’Estruch program in Sabadell (June) and the Eufònic festival (July of each year); and three Catalan artists to perform an eight-week artistic residency at Avatar in Quebec (Canada) and participate in the Mois Multi festival (February of each year).


Navid Navab et Michael Montanaro at Mois Multi

Catalan artists, let’s go to Quebec in 2025!

This first call is to select a Catalan artist who will go to Quebec in January and February 2025. Aimed at individual artists (collective projects are not accepted), they must be born or resident in Catalonia and that they work in the field of digital and visual arts, with a clear emphasis on innovative creation and audiovisual research. The stay in Quebec will last eight weeks (January and February 2025) where the selected artist will work in a unique creative environment and participate in the Mois Multi festival.

The deadline for submitting applications is September 29, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. Read the details and conditions (fees for the development of the project, economic grant for travel and maintenance, etc.) in open call regulations..



Confluence is a project between

supported by

with the collaboration of