Noves narratives i memòria del territori: les residències creatives d’Eufònic i Lo Pati 2025
From the expectant silence of the bussó to the voice infiltrating space: Núria Rovira and Marc Vives investigate the Delta de l’Ebre
The Eufònic and Lo Pati creative residency program continues to captivate, raise questions, and open new creative pathways. Proof of this is the more than 90 proposals received again this year. In its 14th edition, Núria Rovira and Marc Vives have been selected to bring their unique perspectives to the Terres de l’Ebre, exploring the many layers of the landscape and its complexities. Two projects that promise to delve into the relationship between territory, creation, and environmental awareness.
The sound of waiting and transformation: Núria Rovira
With Atrapa-somnis, Núria Rovira embarks on an investigation centered around the bussó (gànguils), the traditional trap used for eel fishing. The work reflects on the rhythm of pause and the breath of the landscape, using sound as a witness to the fragile coexistences of the territory. During her residency, Rovira will continue developing the project in dialogue with the environment, delving deeper into the relationships between objects, ecosystems, and memory. With a trajectory focused on researching spaces in transformation, her work in the Delta aligns with her broader exploration of the interaction between ruins, ecological mutations, and unstable presences.
Voice, landscape, and metamorphosis: Marc Vives
Marc Vives, an artist with a unique perspective that merges performing and visual arts, will present SSSSS, a project that explores the relationship between body, voice, space, and time. Through the materiality of the voice, Vives transforms it into a tool capable of shaping the environment, while action becomes a means to discover and transform. In Terres de l’Ebre, the landscape is not just a backdrop but an active agent in this immersive experience, where voice and Delta’s water will serve as instruments of infiltration to reshape the structures and boundaries we take for granted. A sensory journey that challenges perception and unsettles everything we know about landscape, architecture, and the body.
A dialogue between art and territory
The creative residencies of Eufònic and Lo Pati aim to foster projects that explore new ways of engaging with the territory and its narratives. In this sense, both Núria Rovira’s and Marc Vives’ proposals represent diverse yet complementary approaches, questioning the relationship between memory, body, and space.
Stay tuned! Very soon, we’ll share more details on how these residencies will unfold and when and where you’ll be able to experience the results of these two unique projects, deeply connected to and inspired by the territory.
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